请问 jHtmlArea 0.7.0 中的一段代码的含义?
jHtmlArea 0.7.0 http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com中var m = priv.toolbarButtons[e] || e;是什么意思?
是不是priv.toolbarButtons[e]和e,无论哪一个不为空就赋值给m ?
function addButtons(arr) {
var ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo(that.toolbar);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var e = arr[i];
if ((typeof (e)).toLowerCase() === "string") {
if (e === "|") {
ul.append($('<li class="separator"/>'));
} else {
var f = (function (e) {
// If button name exists in priv.toolbarButtons then call the "method" defined there, otherwise call the method with the same name
var m = priv.toolbarButtons[e] || e; if ((typeof (m)).toLowerCase() === "function") {
return function (btn) { m.call(this, btn); };
} else {
return function () { this[m](); this.editor.body.focus(); };
var t = options.toolbarText[e.toLowerCase()];
ul.append(menuItem(e.toLowerCase(), t || e, f));
} else {
ul.append(menuItem(e.css, e.text, e.action));
if (options.toolbar.length !== 0 && priv.isArray(options.toolbar[0])) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.toolbar.length; i++) {
} else {
var m = priv.toolbarButtons[e] || e;
if ( priv.toolbarButtons[e]){
m = priv.toolbarButtons[e]