寻求链表节点删除的秘密 !!!
需求: 创建双向链表, 把双向链表清空
思路: 利用链表节点前后相继的特性, 逐个解除节点之间的关系, 释放节点.
问题: 如果只是利用前后指针改变彼此关系, 释放某个节点. 没有问题.
逐个改变关系, 做链表清空操作, 失败. 从log来看, 头节点访问到了, 并且也执行了释放的操作. 但是结果显示没有释放. 这个问题和在进行二叉树节点删除的情况相似, 不知道为啥. 郁闷就两个字.
function twolinkNode(data)
this.data = data;
this.next = this.prior = null;
* @breif: doubly linked list
* @
function Twolink()
* @breif: create one doubly linked list based on random number
Twolink.prototype.createTwolink = function(n)
var rear;
var q;
if (n == 0)
this.head = null;
else if (n > 0)
var k = parseInt(Math.random() * 100);
this.head = new twolinkNode(k);
rear = this.head;
this.lastNode = this.head;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++)
k = parseInt(Math.random() * 100);
q = new twolinkNode(k);
rear.next = q;
q.prior = rear;
rear = q;
this.lastNode = rear;
* @brief: output the link
Twolink.prototype.outputTwoLink = function(curNode, direction)
while (curNode != null)
document.write(curNode.data + "--->");
if (direction == "head")
curNode = curNode.next;
else if (direction == "last")
curNode = curNode.prior;
* @brief: appends the specified element to the end of the list
* @return: true if successful, fals if failed
Twolink.prototype.add = function(dElement)
var q = new twolinkNode(dElement);
this.lastNode.next = q;
q.prior = this.lastNode;
this.lastNode = q;
* @brief: remove all of the elements in the list
Twolink.prototype.clear = function() // problem
var tmp;
var count = 0;
while( this.lastNode != null)
count ++;
tmp = this.lastNode;
console.log(" [1] count %d last node data %d ",count, this.lastNode.data);
this.lastNode = tmp.prior;
if( this.lastNode != null )
console.log(" [2] count %d last node data %d ", count, this.lastNode.data);
tmp = null;
* @brief: removes the element in the specified position
* @para: position
* @return: the node in the specified position
Twolink.prototype.remove = function(pos)
var tmp;
var n;
var q;
tmp = this.head;
q = tmp;
while( n != pos )
q = tmp.next;
tmp = q;
* remove the element
if( n == pos )
tmp.prior.next = tmp.next;
tmp.next.prior = tmp.prior;
return false;
document.write("create the list with 6 random number <br>");
t.outputTwoLink(t.head, "head");
document.write("<br>remove the data in # 3 <br>");
t.outputTwoLink(t.head, "head");
document.write(" <br> insert 5 into the list");
document.write("execute clear");