日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20397 次


<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<title>Customizable Calendar Script</title>


year = 2008;
month = 2;
day = 25;

document.write('<td class="TestContainer">');
id = Calendar(year, month, day, null, 'CalendarStyle' );

document.write('<input type="button" onclick="ShowHide(this,\''+id+'\');" value="Hide"></td>');

function ShowHide(btn, id)
StyleObj = document.getElementById(id).style;
alert( StyleObj.display );
if (StyleObj.display != 'none')
StyleObj.display = 'none';
btn.value = 'Show';
StyleObj.display = 'block';
btn.value = 'Hide';

function Calendar(Year, Month, Day, ContainerId, ClassName)
Calendar.MonthNames = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');

//If no parameter is passed use the current date.
this.oDate = new Date();
this.Year = (Year == null) ? this.oDate.getFullYear() : Year;
this.Month = (Month == null) ? this.oDate.getMonth() : Month - 1;
this.Day = (Day == null) ? 0 : Day;
this.oDate = new Date(this.Year, this.Month, 1);
this.NextMonth = new Date(this.Year, this.Month + 1, 1);
this.WeekStart = this.oDate.getDay();

// Get the number of months in current month
this.MonthDays = Math.round((this.NextMonth.getTime() - this.oDate.getTime()) / 86400000) + 1;  
this.HTML = '<table class="' + ((ClassName == null) ? 'tblCalendar' : ClassName) + '" cellspacing="0">';

// Title bar
this.HTML += '<tr><td colspan="7" class="Title">' + Calendar.MonthNames[this.Month] + ' ' + this.Year + '</td></tr>';
alert( HTML );

// Week Names
this.HTML += '<tr class="WeekName"><td>S</td><td>M</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>T</td><td>F</td><td>S</td></tr>';
this.HTML += '<tr>';

// Fill the previous month days with space
for(DayCounter = 0; DayCounter < this.WeekStart; DayCounter++)
this.HTML += '<td>&nbsp;</td>';

// Populate current month
for(DayCounter = 1; DayCounter < this.MonthDays; DayCounter++)
if((DayCounter + this.WeekStart) % 7 == 1) this.HTML += '<tr>';

if(DayCounter == this.Day)
this.HTML += '<td class="SelectedDay">' + DayCounter + '</td>';
else this.HTML += '<td>' + DayCounter + '</td>';

if((DayCounter + this.WeekStart) % 7 == 0) this.HTML += '</tr>';

// Fill the next month days with space
for(j = (42 - (this.MonthDays + this.WeekStart)), DayCounter = 0; DayCounter <= j; DayCounter++)
this.HTML += '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
if((j - DayCounter) % 7 == 0) this.HTML += '</tr>';

this.HTML += '</table>';

// Check whether the Container Id is null
if(ContainerId != null)
this.Container = document.getElementById(ContainerId);

if(this.Container) // If an object exists with the given ContainerId insert the