日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20418 次

JavaScript的Socket通讯包 jSocket

jSocket 是 JavaScript 实现 Socket 通讯的解决方案.

<script type='text/javascript'>
        // Host we are connecting to
        var host = 'localhost'; 
        // Port we are connecting on
        var port = 3000;
        var socket = new jSocket();
        // When the socket is added the to document 
        socket.onReady = function(){
        // Connection attempt finished
        socket.onConnect = function(success){
                        // Send something to the socket
                        socket.send('Hello world');             
                        alert('Connection to the server could not be estabilished');            
        socket.onData = function(data){
                alert('Received from socket: '+data);   
        // Setup our socket in the div with the id="socket"
