日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20388 次


csdn 的简历就有
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<title> - http://www.never-online.net </title>
<meta http-equiv= "ImageToolbar " content= "no " />
<meta name= "author " content= "never-online, BlueDestiny "/>
<meta name= "keywords " content= "never modules, Mozilla CSS, C#, .net, Reference, BlueDestiny, never-online "/>
<meta name= "description " content= "javascript reference, c sharp artilces "/>
<meta name= "creator.name " content= "never-online, BlueDestiny " />
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<body id= "www.never-online.net ">
<div align= "center "> <div id= "myDiv "> Easy to write the dray code, <br/> this is a simple demo, <br/> by never-online, <br/> http://www.never-online.net </div> </div>
<script type= "text/javascript ">
// <![CDATA[
var getAbsolute = function (e) {
var width = e.offsetWidth;
var height = e.offsetHeight;
var left = e.offsetLeft;
var top = e.offsetTop;
while (e=e.offsetParent) {
left += e.offsetLeft;
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var bottom = top+height;
return {
'width ': width,
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'left ': left,
'top ': top,
'right ': right,
'bottom ': bottom

/* Kernel code, drag div change the coords */
/* by never-online, http://www.never-online.net */

var wrapId = "myDiv "; var wrap = document.getElementById(wrapId);
wrap.onmouseover = function () {
wrap.style.cursor = "se-resize ";
document.onmousedown = function (evt) {
/* save the original coordinates */
evt = window.event||evt; var a=getAbsolute(wrap);
wrap.cx=evt.clientX-a.width; wrap.cy=evt.clientY-a.height;
document.onmousemove = function (evt) {
/* change the coords when mouse is moveing */
evt = window.event||evt; try {
wrap.style.width = (evt.clientX-wrap.cx)+ "px ";
wrap.style.height = (evt.clientY-wrap.cy)+ "px ";
} catch (ex) {};
document.onmouseup = function () {
/* drag end release the event */
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
wrap.style.cursor= "default ";
