日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20417 次



FF压根就用不了编辑器 因为编辑器用了个IE专有的控件
Setting Prefs for the Mozilla Rich Text Editing Demo

To protect users ' private information, unprivileged scripts cannot invoke the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands in the Mozilla rich text editor, so the corresponding buttons on the Mozilla Rich Text Editing demo page will not work. To enable these functions for purposes of the demo, you must modify your browser preferences.

1. Quit Mozilla. If you have Quick Launch running (in Windows, an icon in the toolbar), quit that too.
2. Find your Mozilla profile directory. On Windows, this is often located in c://WINNT/Profiles//Application Data/Mozilla. (See also editing configuration files for more info on locating your profile folder.)
3. Open the user.js file from that directory in a text editor. If there 's no user.js file, create one.

Add these lines to user.js:

user_pref( "capability.policy.policynames ", "allowclipboard ");
user_pref( "capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites ", "http://www.mozilla.org ");
user_pref( "capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy ", "allAccess ");
user_pref( "capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste ", "allAccess ");

5. Save the file, and restart Mozilla. The Clipboard buttons should now function.