日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20488 次
<script type="text/javascript"> function whocallme(){ alert("my caller is"+whocallme.caller); } function callA(){ whocallme(); } function callB(){ whocallme(); } alert(whocallme.caller); callA();//mycaller is function callA(){} callB();//mycaller is function callB(){} whocallme();//输出my caller is null </script>caller属性opera浏览器不支持哦,其他浏览器基本支持。
<script type="text/javascript"> function sing(){ alert(sing.author +" : "+sing.poem); } sing.author = "李白"; sing.poem= "白云依山尽" sing(); sing.author="王维"; sing.poem="黄河入海流" sing(); </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> function whoAmI(){ alert("i am "+this.name +" of "+typeof(this)); } whoAmI();//i am of obhect var Gates = {name:"bill gates"}; Gates.whoAmI = whoAmI; Gates.whoAmI();//i am bill gates of object var steven = {name:"steven"}; steven.whoAmI = whoAmI; steven.whoAmI();//i am steven of object whoAmI.call(Gates);//i am bill gates of object whoAmI.call(steven);//i am steven of object Gates.whoAmI.call(steven);//i am steven of object steven.whoAmI.call(Gates);//i am bill gates of object
whoAmI.whoAmI = whoAmI;//将whoami函数设置为本身 whoAmI.name = "whoami"; whoAmI.whoAmI();//i am whoaimi of function </script>从上述代码可以看出this并不是指函数本身所属于的对象,this只是当前任意对象和function结合时的一个概念,在javascript中你只能把this看成当前要服务的对象。