日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20671 次
今天给大家介绍一些亚马逊上畅销的JavaScript & jQuery方面的书籍。它们固然都来自国外的作者之笔,
不过这些技术对于对于我们来说并不陌生,想学习JavaScript & jQuery的朋友,如果英文不是问题,不妨看看。
它们绝大部分可以从 http://ebook.goodfav.com 免费下载电子版!
This is the third edition of the book and you can find it both as a paperback and as a Kindle version. All concepts of the jQuery library is presented separately, in a beginner and then in an advanced manner.
As the name might suggest, this is the kindle version of the book and it has about 150 pages. This is the second edition of the book and it deals with jQuery 1.10.1 and 2.0.2 versions.
This book presents 10 projects created with jQuery 1.9 and they are meant to help you master this library. The projects in this printed book will also help you with plugins, user interfaces and more.
While there is a lot of code presented here as an example those who want to improve their websites will find this task a piece of cake while reading this guide. The book has over 200 pages packed with useful tips and tricks.
What many web creators do not know is that jQuery shortens the considerably a code of 20 lines to about 3 or 4 lines. The coding becomes easier to read and allows any errors to be easier to spot and fix.