日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20467 次
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play: 'Play slideshow',
pause: 'Pause slideshow',
enter_fullscreen: 'Enter fullscreen',
exit_fullscreen: 'Exit fullscreen',
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prev: 'Previous image',
showing_image: 'Showing image %s of %s'
/* Galleria Azur Theme 2012-08-09 | http://galleria.io/license/ | (c) Aino */(function (a) {
Galleria.addTheme({ name: "azur", author: "Galleria", css: "galleria.azur.css", defaults: {
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exit_fullscreen: "Quitter plein ecran", next: "Next", prev: "Previous", showing_image: "Image %s
sur %s" }, _toggleCaption: !0, _showCaption: !0, _showTooltip: !0 }, init: function (b) {
Galleria.requires(1.28, "This version of Azur theme requires Galleria version 1.2.8 or later"),
this.addElement("bar", "fullscreen", "play", "progress").append({ stage: "progress", container:
"bar", bar: ["fullscreen", "play", "thumbnails-container"] }).prependChild("stage",
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