??? 这次用jspSmartUpload做文件上传下载,该组件默认是GBK编码,当上传的文件名为中文时,我将文件名getBytes()下,将GBK改成 UTF-8。测试了下,貌似没问题,突然有一次上传一文件时,发现最后几个字乱码,一直是??。在拿些文件测试,后来知道了是当文件名为中文奇数时,会乱 码,而且还上传不了。再做测试,找原因,查看字符的长度,转成16进制看结果。觉得是jspSmartUpload组件对中文支持不足的问题。
??? 在网上找解决方法。下了几个jar,都说解决中文乱码,彻底解决中文乱码!!!用到我这就都不管用,而且也看到很多回复说解决不了,乱码问题还是依旧!!!
??? 这次自己找到jspSm的源代码,参考了网上的意见,自己稍微修改了下。发现能解决中文乱码问题,分享给和我遇到同样问题的朋友们!!!
public void upload() throws ServletException,IOException,SmartUploadException { int i = 0; //boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = false; //boolean flag2 = false; long l = 0L; //String s = "";//new String(); //String s2 = "";//new String(); String s4 = ""; //new String(); String s5 = ""; //new String(); String s6 = ""; //new String(); String s7 = ""; //new String(); String s8 = ""; //new String(); String s9 = ""; //new String(); String s10 = ""; //new String(); m_totalBytes = m_request.getContentLength(); m_binArray = new byte[m_totalBytes]; int j; for(;i < m_totalBytes;i += j) { try { m_request.getInputStream(); j = m_request.getInputStream().read(m_binArray,i,m_totalBytes - i); } catch(Exception exception) { throw new SmartUploadException("Unable to upload."); } } for(;!flag1 && m_currentIndex < m_totalBytes;m_currentIndex++) { if(m_binArray[m_currentIndex] == 13) { flag1 = true; } else { m_boundary = m_boundary + (char)m_binArray[m_currentIndex]; } } if(m_currentIndex == 1) { return; } for(m_currentIndex++;m_currentIndex < m_totalBytes;m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2) { String s1 = getDataHeader(); m_currentIndex = m_currentIndex + 2; boolean flag3 = s1.indexOf("filename") > 0; String s3 = getDataFieldValue(s1,"name"); if(flag3) { s6 = getDataFieldValue(s1,"filename"); s4 = getFileName(s6); s5 = getFileExt(s4); s7 = getContentType(s1); s8 = getContentDisp(s1); s9 = getTypeMIME(s7); s10 = getSubTypeMIME(s7); } getDataSection(); if(flag3 && s4.length() > 0) { if(m_deniedFilesList.contains(s5)) { throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is denied to be uploaded (1015)."); } if(!m_allowedFilesList.isEmpty() && !m_allowedFilesList.contains(s5)) { throw new SecurityException("The extension of the file is not allowed to be uploaded (1010)."); } if(m_maxFileSize > 0L && (long)((m_endData - m_startData) + 1) > m_maxFileSize) { throw new SecurityException("Size exceeded for this file : " + s4 + " (1105)."); } l += (m_endData - m_startData) + 1; if(m_totalMaxFileSize > 0L && l > m_totalMaxFileSize) { throw new SecurityException("Total File Size exceeded (1110)."); } } if(flag3) { SmartFile file = new SmartFile(); file.setParent(this); file.setFi