日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20340 次
(function() { window['XR'] = {}; var midContainer = new Array(); var mapContainer = new Array(); var MAPID = 0; function Map(mid) { var type = typeof (mid); if ((type != "string") && (type != "number")) { throw "Map id must be a string or number!"; } for (var _c = 0; midContainer[_c]; _c++) { if (mid == midContainer[_c]) throw "You have already created Map : " + mid; } var identify = MAPID++; midContainer[identify] = mid; mapContainer[identify] = {}; mapContainer[identify]["id"] = mid; this.id = mid; this.prefix = "K_"; this.toString = function() { return "This is a map object!"; } } Map.prototype.getMapId = function() { return this.id; } Map.prototype.getMapIndex = function() { var index = -1; for (var _i = 0; mapContainer[_i]; _i++) { if (this.id == mapContainer[_i]["id"]) { index = _i; } } return index; } Map.prototype.put = function(key, value) { if ( typeof (key) != "string") { throw "key must be a string!"; } if ( typeof (value) == "function") { throw "value shouldn't be a function!"; } if (this.trimStr(key) == "") { throw "key is empty!"; } var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); if (index != -1) { key = this.prefix + key; mapContainer[index][key] = value; } } Map.prototype.get = function(key) { var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); var value = ""; if (index != -1) { var _tV = mapContainer[index]; key = this.prefix + key; value = (_tV.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? _tV[key] : "You haven't save this key's value!"; } else { value = "Current Map has lost connection!"; } return value; } Map.prototype.deleteKey = function(key) { var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); key = this.prefix + key; var _tV = mapContainer[index]; if (_tV.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete _tV[key]; } } Map.prototype.clearMap = function() { var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); var maxId = MAPID - 1; if (index <= maxId) { for (var t = index; t < maxId; t++) { mapContainer[t] = mapContainer[t + 1]; midContainer[t] = midContainer[t + 1]; } mapContainer[maxId] = null; midContainer[maxId] = null; this.id = null; this.toString = null; MAPID--; } } Map.prototype.trimStr = function(str) { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } Map.prototype.isEmpty = function() { var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); if (index != -1) { for (var attr in mapContainer[index]) { //alert(mapContainer[index][attr]); if (attr != "id") { return false; } } } return true; } Map.prototype.showMap = function() { var index = -1; index = this.getMapIndex(); var str = ""; if (this.id != null) { str = "Map:\t" + this.id + "\n"; for (var attr in mapContainer[index]) { if (attr != "id") { str += attr + ":\t" + mapContainer[index][attr] + "\n";