日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20920 次

Unix面试题(英文 附答案)1-4
42.?有关管道,以下论述正确的是:B: 是一种设备。??? C: 是进程间的一根”管子”,他把数据按先进先出的原则传送。??? D: 对管道的操作与文件操作完全相同。
43.?cu 是远程登陆用的命令
44.?How can you find out which ports are being used? :netstat -a
45.?You want to add a directory to all users paths. What file should you edit to do this?
A: /etc/sysconfig/profile
B: /etc/sysconfig/profile
C: /etc/bashrc
D: /etc/profile
E: /etc/env
—————— Explain —————-
p21:Explanation: The /etc/profile script is used for system-wide enviornment variables and startup files. You could also create a new file in /etc/profile.d/ that ends in .sh and set the enviornment variable in there. Keep in mind that not all users will necessarily use bash.
48.?Where are source RPMs installed?
—————— Explain —————-
p15:Explanation: Source RPMs are installed in /usr/src/redhat. There are 5 subdirectories under there. SOURCES contains the original source code. SPECS contains the specification files that control the RPM build process. BUILD is where source code is uncompressed and built. SRPMS contains the source RPM that is created when you build one.
49.?How can you turn off interface eth1? :ifdown eth1
51.?How can you see the kernel routing table? :netstat -rn
52.?脚本/etc/rc.d/rc.local,通常运行在启动运行等级 __3? 5_______之后。
53.?What does the following cron entry do?
10 5 * * * /bin/foo???
A.?runs /bin/foo every 10 minutes 5 days a week
B.?runs /bin/foo at 10:05 AM every day
C.?runs /bin/foo on the 10th of May every year
D.?runs /bin/foo at 5:10 AM every day
E.?none of the above
54.?What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)? :mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
55.?What directory contains the kernel???? :/boot