日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20727 次

1 .先看看OERR 的位置
$ which oerr
2.看OERR 的使用方法
$ oerr
Usage: oerr facility error
Facility is identified by the prefix string in the error message.
For example, if you get ORA-7300, "ora" is the facility and "7300"
is the error. So you should type "oerr ora 7300".
If you get LCD-111, type "oerr lcd 111", and so on.
$ oerr ora 7300
3.随便测试一个ORA 的错误
$ oerr ora 3200
03200, 00000, "the segment type specification is invalid"
// *Cause: segment type is not TABLE, INDEX, or CLUSTER
// *Action: use a correct segment type

oerr ora 错误编号
oracle@orcl oracle]$ oerr ora 01632
01632, 00000, "max # extents (%s) reached in index %s.%s"
// *Cause:  An index tried to extend past maxextents
// *Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise,
//          you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.
[oracle@shtdtest oracle]$