日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20806 次


NFS Server Configuration


The Application Server which you want to set the global configured user home need start NFS server.


l???????? Create directory for share

# cd /home

# mkdir work

# chmod –R 777 /home/work


l???????? Edit “/etc/exports”

Add as list:


/home/work 192.168.0.*rw,sync,no_root_squash


(1)???? /home/work is the directory you want to share

(2)???? 192.168.0.* is the network segment


l???????? Click Services Menu



NFS Client Configuration


The Application Server which you want to connect the global configured user home need start NFS client.


l???????? Create mount directory

# cd /mnt

# mkdir work


l???????? Mount remote NFS share directroy