日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20790 次

咨询一下 vimball怎么安装,按照网上的资料都不行?

For vim 7.0, otherwise skip to step 2: 
1. Remove all vestiges of any older version of vimball. Typically, that means: 
cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70 
rm plugin/vimball*.vim 
rm autoload/vimball*.vim 

Under Windows, the vim70 install point may vary. 

2. I've decided that the vimball plugin itself should not expect that vimball is available to extract it. 
Hence, it is now being distributed as vimball.tar.gz. To unravel that: 
* change directory to the directory holding the plugin/ and autoload/ directories where you want to install vimball. 
It is probably best to install the new vimball in the distribution directory. 
* gunzip vimball.tar.gz 
* tar -oxvf vimball.tar 
* (unix) chmod a+r autoload/vimball.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt plugin/vimballPlugin.vim 


用解压得到的 autoload/vimbal.vim , doc/pi_vimball.txt , plugin/vimballPlugin.vim

替换掉: /usr/share/vim7*/ 目录下对应目录中的文件

# cd /usr/share/vim7*/
# chmod a+r autoload/vimball.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt plugin/vimballPlugin.vim

对了,楼主 vim 版本?