日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20684 次
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ) ;;(setq user-full-name"WHB") ;;;; CC-mode配置 http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net/ (load-file"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/session.el") (require'session) (add-hook'after-init-hook'session-initialize) (require'english-menu) (require'chinese-menu) (require'mule-menu) (set-background-color "black") (set-foreground-color "white") (set-face-foreground 'region' "green") (set-face-backgroud 'region' "blue")