精通unix shell脚本编程中关于while循环的问题! while read LINE do echo "$LINE" done < <(command)
I know this looks a bit odd. I got this trick from one of my co-workers, Brian Beers. What we are doing here is input redirection from the bottom of the loop, after the done loop terminator, specified by the done < notation. The < (command) notation executes the command and points the command’s output into the bottom of the loop. NOTE The space between<<in < <(command)is required!
#!/bin/ksh while read line do echo $line
done< <(cat ./test1.sh)
test2.sh[2]: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 6 : `<' is not expected.
------解决方案-------------------- 是不是ksh不支持? 用bash试试
------解决方案-------------------- 或者这样 cat ./test1.sh | while read line ..
------解决方案-------------------- #!/bin/ksh while read line do echo $line
------解决方案-------------------- << 这不是here 风格么
< 这才是read line < filename 风格