日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20792 次


========================================================== Evolution



1.确认你的gmail的POP已经打开: 登录gmail-settings-forwarding and POP , 确认“Enable POP for all mail”被选上

2.打开Application→Internet→Evolution Mail


4. 在Receive mail选项,server type 选 POP server: pop.gmail.com username: 你的gmail用户名(eg. 'myname@gmail.com' 则填入'myname')use secure connection: SSL encryption authentication type: password, remember password

5. 在sending mail选现, server type: SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com 选中server require authentication use secure connection: SSL encryption authentication type: PAIN username: 你的gmail用户名(eg. 'myname@gmail.com'则填入'myname') 选中remember password

6. OK


B)Sync with Google Calendar

1) Open the Evolution email program.
2) Click the "Calendars" tab on the bottom-left side of the window.
3) From the drop-down menu, select "Calendar Type: Google."
4) Enter the name you'd like to assign the new calendar. This is what Evolution will call the calendar; it does not have to be your Google Calendar login.
5) Enter your Google Calendar username. Include "@gmail.com."
6) Set the refresh rate. This is the number of minutes that will pass between calendar syncs.
7) Select "SSL encoding."
8) Select a color for your Google Calendar. This is the color that will be used in Evolution to differentiate it from your other calendars.
9) Click "OK."
10) Enter your Google password in the text box. If you want Evolution to remember your password, mark the "Remember this password" box.
11) Click "OK."





restart:pkill -KILL fcitx; fcitx




install: apt-get install thunderbird
