日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20897 次

ubuntu 进不了字符模式 求解
╮(╯▽╰)╭。 别人是 从字符模式 进不了 图形界面。 而我 确是 每次开机 进入图形界面, 切换不到字符界面。

ctrl+alt+F* 切过去 屏幕黑的吧,什么都不显示。 F7 又可以 切回图形界面。

开机改成 默认 进入字符界面, 结果开机后 就一直是黑的,跟上面情况一样,(不过切不会 图形)

WUBI安装 没任何问题, 用U盘 硬盘安装后 就出现上面的问题咯~! 求各位大神指导



(1) the kernel framebuffer video driver. Do you have bootsplash, usplash, splashy, etc for a graphical boot process? If so, you may need to disable it. Look in /boot/grub/menu.lst (if using grub) and look for vga=XXX where XXX is a number, change it to vga=normal or delete vga altogether. If vga isn't listed, look for "silent" or "verbose" and delete that to avoid using graphics during boot up.

(2) the video driver that xorg is using. In particular Nvidia drivers often cause that. The only way I have found to completely get rid of the blank screen problem is to not use the Nvidia drivers, but that means my TV-out functionality is gone I just load the nvidia driver when I want to watch a movie and use "nv" the rest of the time.


╮(╯▽╰)╭。 别人是 从字符模式 进不了 图形界面。 而我 确是 每次开机 进入图形界面, 切换不到字符界面。

ctrl+alt+F* 切过去 屏幕黑的吧,什么都不显示。 F7 又可以 切回图形界面。

开机改成 默认 进入字符界面, 结果开机后 就一直是黑的,跟上面情况一样,(不过切不会 图形)

WUBI安装 没任何问题, 用U盘 硬……