日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20719 次



本文是“我使用过的Linux命令之unrar - 解压rar文件 ”的补充资料。因为今天刚好用到这个命令,特地补充一下。


将安装文件压缩包rarlinux-x.y.tar.gz解压之后,进入rar目录,执行make命令。执行文件将会安装到 /usr/local/bin 下,就可以在任何位置执行 rar 和 unrar 命令了(如果不行就确认下 /usr/local/bin 是否在环境变量 PATH 中)。


[root@liunx0918 tmp]# cd rar
[root@liunx0918 rar]# ls
default.sfx? license.txt? order.txt? rar_faq.txt?? rar_site.txt? readme.txt??? rereg.txt???? unrar
file_id.diz? Makefile???? rar??????? rarfiles.lst? rar.txt?????? register.txt? technote.txt? whatsnew.txt
[root@liunx0918 rar]# cat Makefile
# Installing RAR executables, configuration files and SFX modules #
# to appropriate directories????????????????????????????????????? #


??????? cp rar unrar $(PREFIX)/bin
??????? cp rarfiles.lst /etc
??????? cp default.sfx $(PREFIX)/lib
[root@liunx0918 rar]# make
cp rar unrar /usr/local/bin
cp rarfiles.lst /etc
cp default.sfx /usr/local/lib
[root@liunx0918 rar]# unrar

UNRAR 3.00 freeware????? Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Eugene Roshal

Usage:???? unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
?????????????? <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

? e???????????? Extract files to current directory
? l[t]????????? List archive [technical]
? p???????????? Print file to stdout
? t???????????? Test archive files
? v[t]????????? Verbosely list archive [technical]
? x???????????? Extract files with full path

? -???????????? Stop switches scanning
? ad??????????? Append archive name to destination path
? ap<path>????? Set path inside archive
? av-?????????? Disable authenticity verification check
? c-??????????? Disable comments show
? cfg-????????? Disable read configuration
? cl??????????? Convert names to lower case
? cu??????????? Convert names to upper case
? ep??????????? Exclude paths from names
? f???????????? Freshen files
? idp?????????? Disable percentage display
? ierr????????? Send all messages to stderr
? inul????????? Disable all messages
? kb??????????? Keep broken extracted files
? o+??????????? Overwrite existing files
? o-??????????? Do not overwrite existing files
? ow??????????? Save or restore file owner and group
? p[password]?? Set password
? p-??????????? Do not query password
? r???????????? Recurse subdirectories
? ta<date>????? Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
? tb<date>????? Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
? tn<time>????? Process files newer than <time>
? to<time>????? Process files older than <time>
? u???????????? Update files
? v???????????? Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes
? ver[n]??????? File version control
? vp??????????? Pause before each volume
? x<file>?????? Exclude specified file
? x@??????????? Read file names to exclude from stdin
? x@<list>????? Exclude files in specified list file
? y???????????? Assume Yes on all queries
[root@liunx0918 rar]#

