日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20824 次

Archiva In Linux(1)
Archiva In Linux(1)

1. install the apache archiva on linux
>wget http://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/apache//archiva/binaries/apache-archiva-1.3.5-bin.tar.gz

unpack the file
>tar zxvf apache-archiva-1.3.5-bin.tar.gz

we can run the software with console
>cd ../tools/apache-archiva-1.3.5
>./bin/archiva console

visit the page of URL

create an administrator in the page.

The repository URLs are
a repository for containing released artifacts. This is connected by proxy to the central repository, so requests here will automatically
retrieve the remote artifacts.

a repository for storing deployed snapshots. This is not proxied to any remote repositories by default.

If you request the artifact, once this artifact is downloaded, Archiva automactically indexes it, you can search that artifact now.

2. Searching
Before artifacts can be searched in Archiva, they need to be indexed first. Artifacts are indexed during these instances:
when a repository is scanned
when an artifact is deployed or uploaded in the repository
when an artifact is proxied or downloaeded from a remote repository

3. The Command of the Server
bin/archiva { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump }
