日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20667 次

linux 命令笔记



?-f, --force ? ? ? ? ? ignore nonexistent files, never prompt //全不提示

? -i, --interactive ? ? prompt before any removal //移除文件之前提示

? ? ? --no-preserve-root do not treat `/' specially (the default)

? ? ? --preserve-root ? fail to operate recursively on `/'

? -r, -R, --recursive ? remove directories and their contents recursively //递归移除

? -v, --verbose ? ? ? ? explain what is being done //显示全部信息

? ? ? --help ? ? display this help and exit

? ? ? --version ?output version information and exit

查看?/etc/aa 文件内容
more /etc/aa
cat /etc/aa

cat /etc/passwd  //查找用户

编辑可以用vi vim(加强版,有颜色标识)
