日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20726 次
sterisk 常用命令、Trixbox相关的Linux命令、URL、Trixbox功能键、电话技巧、配置文件路径
Support Phone Number: | +1-888-TRIXBOX |
Website | http://trixbox.org/ |
HUD-lite Download | http://hudlite.org |
Admin Login | http://<IP>/maint |
freepbx | http://<IP>/maint/?freepbx |
ssh terminal | http://<IP>/maint/?sshTerm |
Edit Configs | http://<IP>/maint/?configEdit |
Point Manager | http://<IP>/maint/?epManager End |
Asterisk Information | http://<IP>/maint/?astInfo |
Process status | http://<IP>/maint/?sysMaint |
Install/Update Packages | http://<IP>/maint/?packages |
Operator Panel | http://<IP>/admin/panel.php |
Entering the Asterisk Console | asterisk -r |
Checking Current System Load | top |
Interrupt Information | cat /proc/interrupts |
RAID Array Information | cat /proc/mdstat |
Checking the Routing table | netstat -rn OR route |
Checking CPU Information | cat /proc/interrupts |
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