日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20789 次

make: Warning: File `.config' has modification time 6.5e+02 s in the future
make[2]: Warning: File `scripts/basic/.hash.cmd' has modification time 6.4e+02 s in the future
make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
make[2]: Warning: File `scripts/kconfig/.zconf.tab.o.cmd' has modification time 6.4e+02 s in the future
  HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/conf
scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/x86/Kconfig

*** Error during update of the kernel configuration.

make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1
make[1]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 2
make: *** No rule to make target `include/config/auto.conf', needed by `include/config/kernel.release'. Stop.
 我想编译在X86平台下运行的linux内核,结果使用make bzImage时,出现了以上错误信息,有哪位大哥能帮帮小弟,我刚入门,谢谢。

time 6.5e+02 s in the future??
