日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20892 次

求解释 od -t oCc /etc/issue

HTML code
  o   显示字节为八进制。 缺省情况下, od 命令变换相应的字节数为 C - 语言类型 int。 o 类型字符串能够跟随无符号的十进制整数,它指定了由每个输出类型实例变换的字节数。   可选项 C, I,L,或者 S 字符能够附加到 o 可选项,表示转换应该分别适用于类型 char,int,long,或者 short。

SIZE is a number. For TYPE in doux, SIZE may also be C for
sizeof(char), S for sizeof(short), I for sizeof(int) or L for
sizeof(long). If TYPE is f, SIZE may also be F for sizeof(float), D
for sizeof(double) or L for sizeof(long double).
-t, --format=type
Select the format in which to output the file data. type is a string of one or more of the below type indicator characters. If you include more than one type indicator character in a single type string or use this option more than once, od writes one copy of each output line using each of the data types that you specified, in the order that you specified.

* a named character
* c ASCII character or backslash escape
* d signed decimal
* f floating point
* o octal
* u unsigned decimal
* x hexadecimal
* C char
* S short
* I int
* L long
* For floating point (f):
* F float
* D double
* L long double