日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20761 次

  Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.1
  Build from CVS snapshot on June 7, 2009
00000000000i[ ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default '/usr/lib/bochs/plugins'
00000000000i[ ] BXSHARE not set. using compile time default '/usr/share/bochs'
00000000000i[ ] reading configuration from bochsrc
00000000000p[ ] >>PANIC<< bochsrc:10: vgaromimage directive malformed.
00000000000e[CTRL ] notify called, but no bxevent_callback function is registered
00000000000i[CTRL ] quit_sim called with exit code 1

请问各位仁兄,这是什么问题? 小生目前刚开始学习《Orange'S一个操作系统的实现》一书,到Bochs虚拟机配置的这一节就卡住了。怎么都是出问题。就是进行到有关Bochsrc实例的那个地方。[本人用的是Ubuntu 9.10系统]恳请各位仁兄给小生个指点!感激涕零!

                      Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.1
                Build from CVS snapshot on June 7, 2009
00000000000i[    ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default '/usr/lib/bochs/plugins'
00000000000i[    ] BXSHARE not set. using compile time default '/usr/share/bochs'
00000000000i[    ] reading configuration from bochsrc
00000000000p[    ] >>PANIC < < bochsrc:10: vgaromimage directive malformed.
00000000000e[CTRL ] notify called, but no bxevent_callback function is registered
00000000000i[CTRL ] quit_sim called with exit code 1

请问各位仁兄,这是什么问题?      小生目前刚开始学习《Orange'S一个操作系统的实现》一书,到Bochs虚拟机配置的这一节就卡住了。怎么都是出问题。就是进行到有关Bochsrc实例的那个地方。[本人用的是Ubuntu 9.10系统]恳请各位仁兄给小生个指点!感激涕零!