日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20887 次

help~~~~~~我的系统里面运行rpm -bb aa.spec,,提示说不认识-bb,,,怎么办??
help~~~~~~我的系统里面运行rpm   -bb     aa.spec,,提示说不认识-bb,,,怎么办??

      系统是red   hat   linux企业版。

Executing rpmbuild
The build modes of rpm are now resident in the /usr/bin/rpmbuild exe-
cutable. Although legacy compatibility provided by the popt aliases
below has been adequate, the compatibility is not perfect; hence build
mode compatibility through popt aliases is being removed from rpm.
Install the rpmbuild package, and see rpmbuild(8) for documentation of
all the rpm build modes previously documented here in rpm(8).

Add the following lines to /etc/popt if you wish to continue invoking
rpmbuild from the rpm command line:

rpm exec --bp rpmb -bp
rpm exec --bc rpmb -bc
rpm exec --bi rpmb -bi
rpm exec --bl rpmb -bl
rpm exec --ba rpmb -ba
rpm exec --bb rpmb -bb
rpm exec --bs rpmb -bs
rpm exec --tp rpmb -tp
rpm exec --tc rpmb -tc
rpm exec --ti rpmb -ti
rpm exec --tl rpmb -tl

It 's the result of man rpm