日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20713 次


Before you start compiling your freshly downloaded KDevelop version, make sure that you have installed the following programs. Mind that you can get strange errors, if you use older versions.
Program/Library Source
KDE 2.2.2 or KDE 3.0.x www.kde.org
g++ ss> 2.8/ egcs > 1.0.3 (or compatible) gcc.gnu.org
GNU make www.gnu.org/software/make
perl 5.004 www.perl.com
autoconf 2.13 www.gnu.org/software/autoconf
automake 1.4 www.gnu.org/software/automake
flex 2.5.4 www.gnu.org/software/flex

These tools are optional, that means that KDevelop will work without them. But it will lack some features like documentation generation or searching over several files. So you should probably check out your system for these programs

Program/Library Source
sgmltools 1.0 www.sgmltools.org
Glimpse 4.1 glimpse.cs.arizona.edu
kdoc www.kde.org
a2ps 4.11 www.gnu.org/software/a2ps
enscript www.gnu.org/software/enscript
KDbg members.telecom.at/~johsixt/kdbg.html
gdb 5.0 (for a well working internal debugger) www.gnu.org/software/gdb
KIconEdit w1.1358.telia.com/~u135800018/prog.html
Gv, Ghostview or KGhostview www.gnu.org/software/ghostview
cvs 1.10.6 www.cvshome.org

command line if you are running KDE 2.2:

$ mkdir kde2src
$ cd kde2src
$ cvs -z3 -d server:anonymous@anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde co -r KDE_2_2_BRANCH kdevelop
$ cd kdevelop

In order to compile and install KDevelop (CVS-version) on your system,
type the commands from below in the base directory of the KDevelop distribution:

a release-compiled version:
$ export KDEDIR=/where/your/kde2/or/kde3/is
$ export QTDIR=/where/qt-2.3.1/or/qt-3.0.x/is
$ export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH

$ make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs-clean