日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20811 次
首先是链表的头文件,所有的函数和函数的功能解释都包含在这里: list.h
#ifndef _LIST_H_ #define _LIST_H_ #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node; typedef struct node* pNode; typedef int dataType; typedef pNode list; typedef pNode position; list InitList(); //create list by a array list CreateList(dataType* a, int L); int ListLength(list L); //the header is still remain. list MakeEmpty(list L); bool IsEmpty(list L); //check whether the node x is the last item of the list. bool IsLastByPos(list L, position x); //check whether the node is the last item of the list by index. bool IsLastByIndex(list L, int index); //find the item by data position Find(list L, dataType x); //find the item by index position FindByIndex(list L, int index); //find the previous item by data position FindPrevious(list L, dataType x); //delete the first item which it's data is equal with x void Delete(list L, dataType x); //delete the item by the index void DeleteByIndex(list L, int index); //insert by index void InsertByIndex(list L, int i, dataType x); //insert the new item after the item p void InsertByPos(list L, position p, dataType x); //delete all the item of the list, but remain the header void DeleteList(list L); position Header(list L); position First(list L); position Advance(position p); //print all the data of the list void PrintList(list L);
#include "list.h" typedef struct node { dataType data; pNode next; }node; list InitList() { list head = malloc(sizeof(node)); head->next = NULL; return head; } list CreateList(dataType* a, int L) { list l = InitList(); int i = 0; if(L < 1) { // printf("The length is too short!\n"); return l; } for(;i<L;i++) InsertByIndex(l, i, *(a+i)); return l; } int ListLength(list L) { if(!(L->next)) return 1; int l = 1; position p = L->next; while(p->next) { l++; p = p->next; } return l; } list MakeEmpty(list L) { if(L != NULL) DeleteList(L); L = malloc(sizeof(node)); if(L == NULL) { printf("Out of Space!\n"); exit(1); } L->next = NULL; return L; } bool IsEmpty(list L) { return L->next == NULL; } bool IsLastByPos(list L, position p) { return p->next == NULL; } bool IsLastByIndex(list L, int index) { position p = FindByIndex(L, index); return p->next == NULL; } //if there is no specified item, then return null pointer. //if there is serval specified item, then return the first item which the same data of x. position Find(list L, dataType x) { position p; p = L->next; while(p != NULL && p->data != x) p = p->next; return p; } position FindByIndex(list L, int index) { position p = L; int i = index; if(IsEmpty(L) || index <= 0) { printf("The input is error!\n"); exit(1); } for(;i>0;i--) { if(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; else { printf("The index is bigger than the length of the list!\n"); exit(1); } } return p; } //if there is no specified item, then return the last item of the list. //or if there are several specified items, then return the previous item of the first item position FindPrevious(list L, dataType x) { position p; p = L; while(p->next != NULL && p->next->data != x) p = p->next; return p; } void Delete(list L, dataType x) { position p = FindPrevious(L, x); if(!IsLastByPos(L, p)) { p->next = p->next->next; free(p->next); } } void DeleteByIndex(list L, int index) { position p = FindByIndex(L, index-1); if(p->next == NULL) { printf("The index is too big!\n"); exit(1); } p->next = p->next->next; free(p->next); } void InsertByIndex(list L, int i, dataType x) { position p = L; position tmp; bool isEmpty = IsEmpty(L); tmp = mall