1 linux在内存管理模块,为了解决外部碎片的问题,采用了Buddy System Algorithm。
所有的连续free page被分成11个组,每个组是一个块列表(块表示一个连续的未分配page区域)。每个列表的连续块大小分别是1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 到1024个page。
?? In some cases, contiguous page frames are really necessary, because contiguous?linear addresses are not sufficient to satisfy the request. A typical example is a?memory request for buffers to be assigned to a DMA processor (see Chapter 13).?Because most DMAs ignore the paging circuitry and access the address bus?directly while transferring several disk sectors in a single I/O operation, the buffers requested must be located in contiguous page frames.
? Even if contiguous page frame allocation is not strictly necessary, it offers the big?advantage of leaving the kernel paging tables unchanged. What’s wrong with?modifying the Page Tables? As we know from Chapter 2, frequent Page Table?modifications lead to higher average memory access times, because they make?the CPU flush the contents of the translation lookaside buffers.
? Large chunks of contiguous physical memory can be accessed by the kernel?through 4 MB pages. This reduces the translation lookaside buffers misses, thus
significantly speeding up the average memory access time (see the section
“Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB)” in Chapter 2).
2 内存分配请求可以通过两种方式来满足,一种是如果有free page那么直接分配返回;如果没有free page那么阻塞请求,触发内存回收,直到有空闲的内存区域,才返回分配请求。
3 尽管Buddy System Algorithm可以解决外部碎片的问题,但是依然没法解决内部碎片。内存管理的最小分配单位是页,页的尺寸一般为4kb,如果遇到小内存空间的请求,比如几十到几百byte,每次都分配一个完整的页,那么势必会造成很严重的内存碎片。于是就有了slab allocator,他是基于Buddy System上的一层逻辑
使用Slab allocation有几个前提:分配的数据类型影响内存分配的特点,可以把分配的数据抽象成一类对象;用户会频繁的对同一类对象进行内存分配请求;对内存区域的请求可以按照频繁度分类;为了提高cpu cache的命中率,要尽量减少对buddy system allocator的请求,以免出现太多脏缓存。
slab allocator按照同类对象进行分组,放到缓存里(这里的缓存是指已经预先经过buddy system allocator
分配过page的内存区域)。每一个缓存都是同一类对象的仓库。缓存被划分成一个个slab。每个slab都有一个或者多个连续的page frame组成,slab里面放同一类的对象,同一类的对象对内存的占用大小类似。当一个对象被释放后,内存并不会被操作系统回收,而是在下次分配同一类对象的时候,直接复