jdk7在RedHat Linux 九 上安装完运行完出错;还有linux的版本理解不来,知道的进来说下
jdk7在RedHat Linux 九 上安装完运行完出错;还有linux的版本理解不来,知道的进来说下
日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20814 次
jdk7在RedHat Linux 9 上安装完运行完出错;还有linux的版本理解不来,知道的进来说下 问题1:
今天在RedHat Linux 9上安装了jdk7,安装完按说,输入java -version就可以提示版本信息了,但是一输入就报错:
[root@localhost root]# javac -version
Error: dl failure on line 864
Error: failed /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so, because /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so)
You can not run JRE 1.7 on RHEL 3.8 or 4.6. They are too old.
There's no "backward compatibility of OS support matrix". The support matrix shows you the minimum versions that you need to use.
The minimum version for JRE 1.7 on RHEL is RHEL 5.5
Thus, you must use RHEL 5.5+
This is because your glibc doesn't have GLIBC_2.4 symbols - as you can see per your error message.
If you run Java 1.7 with glibc 2.4 or higher - then it will work.
Again, this is the minimum version, and you can run with newer as well.
This is not an issue for 1.7 support, because 1.7 is only supported on RHEL 5.5 or later.
我用的是RedHat Linux 9内核是多少呢,怎么用命令查看;看到网上也有很多RHEL 5/4/3,两者是什么区别呢,知道的人进来说下