日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21061 次



BACnet工具集是采用二进制演示应用命令行程序,这些程序使用BACNet/IP来进行BACNet的多种服务。某些工具使用BACnet WhoIs来建立设备,但也可以使用静态绑定文件地址缓存。





bacwi -1 > address_cache

客户端工具 Client tools
bacarf - BACnet AtomicReadFile service
bacawf - BACnet AtomicWriteFile service
bacdcc - BACnet DeviceCommunicationControl service
bacepics - BACnet EPICS for Device object.
bacrd - BACnet ReinitializeDevice service
bacrp - BACnet ReadProperty service
bacrpm - BACnet ReadPropertyMultiple service
bacscov - BACnet SubscribeCOV service
bacts - BACnet TimeSynchronization service
bacucov - BACnet UnconfirmedChangeOfValue service
bacupt - BACnet UnconfirmedPrivateTransfer service
bacwh - BACnet WhoHas service
bacwi - BACnet WhoIs service
bacwp - BACnet WriteProperty service


服务端工具 Server Tools
bacserv - BACnet Device Simulator

路由器工具 Router Tools
baciamr - BACnet I-Am-Router to Network message
bacinitr - BACnet Initialize Router message
bacwir - BACnet Who-Is Router to Network message

MS/TP包抓取工具 MS/TP Capture Tool
The mstpcap tool is used for capturing MS/TP traffic
from an RS-485 serial adapter and saving the packets
in a file for viewing by Wireshark.

Environment Variables
BACNET_APDU_TIMEOUT - set this value in milliseconds to change
    the APDU timeout.  APDU Timeout is how much time a client
    waits for a response from a BACnet device. Default is 3000ms.

BACNET_IFACE - set this value to dotted IP address (Windows) of
    the interface (see ipconfig command on Windows) for which you
    want to bind.  On Linux, set this to the /dev interface
    (i.e. eth0, arc0).  Default is eth0 on Linux, and the default
    interface on Windows.  Hence, if there is only a single network
    interface on Windows, the applications will choose it, and this
    setting will not be needed.

BACNET_IP_PORT - UDP/IP port number (0..65534) used for BACnet/IP
    communications.  Default is 47808 (0xBAC0).

BACNET_BBMD_PORT - UDP/IP port number (0..65534) used for Foreign
    Device Registration.  Defaults to 47808 (0xBAC0).

BACNET_BBMD_TIMETOLIVE - number of seconds used in Foreign Device
    Registration (0..65535). Defaults to 60000 seconds.

BACNET_BBMD_ADDRESS - dotted IPv4 address of the BBM