日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20693 次


说明1:BIOS-bochs-latest文件和VGABIOS-elpin-2.40文件都在bochs安装目录下,既C:\Program Files\Bochs-2.1.1



romimage: file=$BXSHARE\BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000

megs: 16
vgaromimage: $BXSHARE\VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
floppya: 1_44="bootimage-0.11-hd", status=inserted
floppyb: 1_44=diskb.img, status=inserted
ata0-master: type=disk, path="hdc-0.11.img", mode=flat, cylinders=121, heads=16, spt=63
boot: a
log: bochsout.txt
parport1: enable=0
vga_update_interval: 300000
keyboard_serial_delay: 200
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
floppy_command_delay: 50000
ips: 4000000
mouse: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0
fullscreen: enabled=0

screenmode: name="sample"

到C:\Program Files\Bochs-2.1.1\目录下运行bximage.exe文件,也可到开始菜单->程序->Bochs2.1.1->下的Disk Image Creation Tool运行之,一路回车即可,制作的是10M的img硬盘映像文件,当然可以在[10]后面输入64即可制作64M的img文件。

                  Disk Image Creation Tool for Bochs
        $Id: bximage.c,v 1.19 2003/08/01 01:20:00 cbothamy Exp $

Do you want to create a floppy disk image or a hard disk image?
Please type hd or fd. [hd]

What kind of image should I create?
Please type flat, sparse or growing. [flat]

Enter the hard disk size in megabytes, between 1 and 32255

I will create a 'flat' hard disk image with
  sectors per track=63
  total sectors=20160
  total size=9.84 megabytes

What should I name the image?

Writing: [] Done.

I wrote 10321920 bytes to (null).

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