日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20788 次
1. 函数说明
1) 头文件 #include<unistd.h>
2) 定义函数: int pipe(int filedes[2]);
3) 函数说明: pipe()会建立管道,并将文件描述词由参数filedes数组返回。
4) 返回值: 若成功则返回零,否则返回-1,错误原因存于errno中。
root@wl-MS-7673:/home/wl/桌面/c++# cat -n pipe_test.cpp 1 2 #include <unistd.h> 3 #include <sys/types.h> 4 #include <errno.h> 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 #include <string.h> 7 #include <stdlib.h> 8 #include <sys/wait.h> 9 /* 10 * 程序入口 11 * */ 12 int main() 13 { 14 int pipe_fd[2]; 15 pid_t pid; 16 char buf_r[100]; 17 char* p_wbuf; 18 int r_num; 19 20 memset(buf_r,0,sizeof(buf_r)); 21 22 /*创建管道*/ 23 if(pipe(pipe_fd)<0) 24 { 25 printf("pipe create error\n"); 26 return -1; 27 } 28 29 /*创建子进程*/ 30 if((pid=fork())==0) //子进程执行序列 31 { 32 printf("\n"); 33 close(pipe_fd[1]);//子进程先关闭了管道的写端 34 sleep(2); /*让父进程先运行,这样父进程先写子进程才有内容读*/ 35 if((r_num=read(pipe_fd[0],buf_r,100))>0) 36 { 37 printf("%d numbers read from the pipe is %s\n",r_num,buf_r); 38 } 39 close(pipe_fd[0]); 40 exit(0); 41 } 42 else if(pid>0) //父进程执行序列 43 { 44 close(pipe_fd[0]); //父进程先关闭了管道的读端 45 if(write(pipe_fd[1],"Hello",5)!=-1) 46 printf("parent write1 Hello!\n"); 47 if(write(pipe_fd[1]," Pipe",5)!=-1) 48 printf("parent write2 Pipe!\n"); 49 close(pipe_fd[1]); 50 wait(NULL); /*等待子进程结束*/ 51 exit(0); 52 } 53 return 0; 54 } 55 56 root@wl-MS-7673:/home/wl/桌面/c++# g++ pipe_test.cpp -o pipe_test root@wl-MS-7673:/home/wl/桌面/c++# ./pipe_test parent write1 Hello! parent write2 Pipe! 10 numbers read from the pipe is Hello Pipe root@wl-MS-7673:/home/wl/桌面/c++#