日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20772 次

Unix面试题(英文 附答案)1-7
86.?fork 系统调用能:把当前进程复制一份,产生一个新进程
87.?Which files are used to configure TCP Wrappers? :/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
88.?/boot目录用来存放Linux启动时所需要的一些数据和文件,如果该目录被破坏,系统将不能够启动,缺省情况下该目录应能由普通用户读 写。:错误
90.?MD5 passwords are enabled by default on Linux installations. How many characters can a user's password be when using MD5 passwords ?:256
91.?What program can be used to test the smb.conf file for errors?
C.?samba –checkparm
—————— Explain —————-
p6:Explanation: the testparm program parses the smb.conf file and reports any errors. If you make a typo this program is likely to find it.
92.?用ps x命令会看到下面的输出:请问init后面的3是什么意思?说明init的状态值,他可能是0-6。
x? ?? S??? 0:01 init [3]
93.?What file contains the configuration for BIND?
—————— Explain —————-
p11:Explanation: BIND (the Berkely Internet Name Daemon) which is a DNS server is configured in /etc/named.conf.
94.?You have created a /home/projectx directory with the owner of projectx and a group of projectx. How can you set its permissions so that all files created in this directory are owned by the projectx group? :: chmod g+s /home/projectx
95.?You have created a /home/projectfoo directory. How can you change its group ownership to the projectfoo group? :chgrp projectfoo /home/projectfoo
96.?Which options to chmod allow read access to all but only allow write and execute access to the owner?
:chmod 744 filename
97.?What command allows you to switch from using Gnome to using KDE? :Switchdesk
98.?If you want to allow X-Windows programs from hostB to run on the display on hostA what would you need to do?
A.?run xhost +hostB on hostA.
B.?run xhost +hostA on hostB.
C.?run xhost + on hostA.
D.?run xhost + on hostB.
E.?just set the DISPLAY environment variable and it will work.
—————— Explain —————-
p40:Explanation: You want programs from hostB to display on hostA. So you must tell hostA to allow Xclients from hostB. Hence A is correct. The xhost + command is too broad and allows anyone to connect to your X-server.
99.?Who is the individual most responsible for the development of Linux ?:Linus Torvalds
100.?alias 命令的功能是:指定命令的别名