日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20787 次

Unix面试题(英文 附答案)1-2
16.?/分区越大约好,因为/越大,Linux启动速度越快。?? 错误
17.?What command will map all of the dependencies between modules into a file? B? depmod -a
18.?You have Linux installed on a machine and you use LILO as your boot loader. How do you boot into single user mode? BC
B: At the LILO prompt use the linux single command.
C: At the LILO prompt use the linux 1 command.
19.?What command can you enter to find out which rpm contains the /etc/foo file?
A: rpm -qa |grep foo
B: rpm -ql /etc/foo
C: rpm -qlf /etc/foo
D: rpm -q -f /etc/foo
—————— Explain —————-
p25:Explanation: You can find out which rpm a file belongs to by using the rpm -q -f command. You must have the redhatrpmdb rpm installed though.
20.?UINX是唯一的一种超过90%用高级语言开发的操作系统,首次用于开发unix的语言是:C 语言
21.?You have installed a DHCP server on your Linux machine and edited the configuration file. What else must you do before it will give out ip addresses?
B.?Put fixed-addresses in the configuration for each client.
C.?service dhcp begin
D.?touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
—————— Explain —————-
p9:Explanation: You must touch the /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases file in order to get DHCP to begin giving out ip addresses.
22.?What directory contains the DNS zone files? :? /var/named
23.?How can I see what directories are being shared via NFS on a remote host called fileserver?
showmount -e fileserver
24.?What port does the Squid proxy server use by default? :3128
25.?What file contains the list of terminals that root is allowed to log into? :/etc/securetty
26.?How do you install an RPM?: :?? rpm -ivh packagename.rpm
A.?用户user2对下一文件有何权力: 读
-rw-r—-? 1? user1? 100? 1320? Oct 27 08:16? test
28.?You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share? B
i.?exportfs -a
29.?Where are source RPMs installed? E
—————— Explain —————-
p15:Explanation: Source RPMs are installed in /usr/src/redhat. There are 5 subdirectories under there. SOURCES contains the original source code. SPECS contains the specification files that control the RPM build process. BUILD is where source code is uncompressed and built. SRPMS contains the source RPM that is created when you build one.
30.?What does COPS stand for? :Computer Oracle and Password System