2012-12-06 22:11:38.84 spid7s Server name is 'PC--Gray-boy\LIUQIWEI'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2012-12-06 22:11:38.87 spid10s 错误: 5118,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.87 spid10s 文件 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.LIUQIWEI\MSSQL\DATA\model.mdf" 已压缩,但未驻留在只读数据库或文件组中。必须将此文件解压缩。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.88 spid10s 错误: 5118,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.88 spid10s 文件 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.LIUQIWEI\MSSQL\DATA\modellog.ldf" 已压缩,但未驻留在只读数据库或文件组中。必须将此文件解压缩。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.88 spid10s 错误: 5105,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.88 spid10s A file activation error occurred. The physical file name 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.LIUQIWEI\MSSQL\DATA\modellog.ldf' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation.
2012-12-06 22:11:38.91 spid10s 错误: 945,严重性: 14,状态: 2。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.91 spid10s 由于文件不可访问,或者内存或磁盘空间不足,所以无法打开数据库 'model'。有关详细信息,请参阅 SQL Server 错误日志。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.92 服务器 错误: 17190,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:38.92 服务器 Initializing the FallBack certificate failed with error code: 1, state: 1, error number: -2146893802.
2012-12-06 22:11:38.93 spid10s Could not create tempdb. You may not have enough disk space available. Free additional disk space by deleting other files on the tempdb drive and then restart SQL Server. Check for additional errors in the event log that may indicate why the tempdb files could not be initialized.
2012-12-06 22:11:38.95 服务器 Unable to initialize SSL encryption because a valid certificate could not be found, and it is not possible to create a self-signed certificate.
2012-12-06 22:11:38.96 spid10s SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '1'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2012-12-06 22:11:39.00 服务器 错误: 17182,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:39.00 服务器 TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x80092004, status code 0x80. Reason: 无法初始化 SSL 支持。 找不到对象或属性。
2012-12-06 22:11:39.02 服务器 错误: 17182,严重性: 16,状态: 1。
2012-12-06 22:11:39.02