等不及自己调试了,希望网上知道的大侠给个好的解决方法·····(全文索引 小写状态的逗号,或者空格都会导致搜索错误。) ------解决方案-------------------- to csw200201
就是前台程序,输入关键词进行搜索的时候,假如输入的关键词中包含"," or " " or "&",传入到SQL进行搜索,都会导致SQL搜索出错。
do u understand? ------解决方案--------------------
Firstly, or or comma will be ignord by the full text search anyway (they are part of the system stop list).
Secondly, to include them in the search term, simply need to enclose the term within double quotation. For example, the following will not produce any syntax error
select * from test where contains(textvalue, '"or"')
select * from test where contains(textvalue, 'or') will.