doer dotime num
a 2012-1-1 0:09 12.2
a 2012-1-1 1:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 2:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 3:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 4:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 5:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 6:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 7:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 8:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 9:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 10:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 11:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 12:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 13:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 14:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 15:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 16:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 17:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 18:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 19:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 20:09 12.6
a 2012-1-1 21:09 11.9
a 2012-1-1 22:09 9.6
a 2012-1-1 23:09 12.6
b 2012-1-1 0:20 11.9
b 2012-1-1 2:20 9.6
b 2012-1-1 4:20 12.6
b 2012-1-1 6:20 11.9
b 2012-1-1 8:20 9.6
b 2012-1-1 10:20 12.6
b 2012-1-1 12:20 11.9
b 2012-1-1 14:20 9.6
b 2012-1-1 16:20 9.6
b 2012-1-1 18:20 12.6
b 2012-1-1 20:20 11.9
b 2012-1-1 22:20 9.6
doer 0-4 4-8 8-12...
a 2012-1-1 0:09 2012-1-1 4:09 2012-1-1 8:09 ...
b 2012-1-1 0:20 2012-1-1 4:20 2012-1-1 8:20 ...
------最佳解决方案--------------------select doer,convert(varchar(10),dotime,120) as rq
[0-4]=(select top 1 dotime from tb
where convert(varchar(10),dotime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.dotime,120)
and datepart(hh,dotime) between 0 and 4 order by num),
[4-8]=(select top 1 dotime from tb
where convert(varchar(10),dotime,120)=convert(varchar(10),a.dotime,120)
and datepart(hh,dotime) between 4 and 8 order by num),
from tb a group by doer,convert(varchar(10),dotime,120)
-- Author :TravyLee(物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流!)
-- Date :2012-11-20 09:17:19
-- Version:
-- Microsoft