日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20666 次
create table [User](Id int,[year] int,[month] int,name nvarchar(10),sex varchar(10)) insert into [User] select 1,2001, 11,'张三','男' insert into [User] select 2,2011, 01,'张三','男' insert into [User] select 3,2011, 11,'李四','男' insert into [User] select 4,2001, 06,'李四','男' insert into [User] select 5,2011, 11,'张三','男' go select * from [user] a where not exists(select 1 from [user] where [year]>a.[year] or [year]=a.[year] and [month]>a.[month]) /* Id year month name sex ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- 3 2011 11 李四 男 5 2011 11 张三 男 (2 行受影响) */ go drop table [user]
if object_id('[User]') is not null drop table [User] create table [User] (Id int,year int,month varchar(2),name varchar(4),sex varchar(2)) insert into [User] select 1,2001,'11','张三','男' union all select 2,2011,'01','张三','男' union all select 3,2011,'11','李四','男' union all select 4,2001,'06','李四','男' union all select 5,2011,'11','王五','男' select * /* into #t */ from [User] a where not exists ( select 1 from [User] where name=a.name and sex=a.sex and ltrim(year)+ltrim(month)>ltrim(a.year)+ltrim(a.month) ) drop table [User] /* 2 2011 01 张三 男 3 2011 11 李四 男 5 2011 11 王五 男
select * from [user] a where not exists(select 1 from [user] where name=a.name and sex=a.sex and [year]>a.[year] or (name=a.name and sex=a.sex and [year]=a.[year] and [month]>a.[month]))