日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20751 次
---方法一:SQL77的方法 --drop table #a select number as x into #a from master..spt_values where type='p' and number between 0 and 100--把0到100的数据放入表#a select a.x,b.x y,c.x z from #a a,#a b,#a c where 5*a.x+3*b.x+1.0*c.x/3=100 --筛选出符合要求的组合数 --方法二:ssp2009的方法 --DROP TABLE #TB DECLARE @I INT,@J INT,@K INT CREATE TABLE #TB(I INT,J INT,K INT) SELECT @I=0,@J=0,@K=0 WHILE @I<100 BEGIN WHILE @J<100 BEGIN WHILE @K<100 BEGIN IF(@I*5+@J*3+@K*1.0/3=100) BEGIN INSERT INTO #TB(I,J,K) VALUES(@I,@J,@K) END SET @K=@K+1 END SELECT @J=@J+1,@K=0 END SELECT @I=@I+1,@J=0,@K=0 END --SELECT * FROM #TB WHERE I=0 or J=0 or K=0
/*声明能买的范围表*/ create table #TableNum (x int ) declare @Num1 int declare @Num2 int select @Num1=0 --至少要买 select @Num2=300--最多能买 while @Num1<=@Num2 begin insert into #TableNum(x) values(@Num1) select @Num1=@Num1+1 end select a.x 公鸡,b.x 母鸡,c.x 小鸡 from #TableNum a,#TableNum b,#TableNum c where a.x<=20 and b.x<=33 and c.x<=300 and 15*a.x+9*b.x+c.x=300 and a.x+b.x+c.x=100--和起来一共100只鸡 order by a.x,b.x drop table #TableNum