日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20738 次
请教各位大大?如何将 '01,02,03,04' 转换为1列的结果集 01 02 03 04
declare @s varchar(100) set @s='01,02,03,04' set @s=' select '''+replace(@s,',',''' as col union all select ''')+'''' exec (@s)
USE test GO DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(MAX),@Sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @s='01,02,03,04' SET @Sql='Select '''+REPLACE(@s,',',''' Union all Select ''')+'''' EXEC ( @Sql )
ALTER function [dbo].[fnSys_SplitClass] ( ---字符串分割 @ClassSql varchar(max), --传入的字符串 @StrSeprate varchar(10)--分隔符 ) Returns @temp table(Class varchar(100)) --返回一个Table As Begin Declare @i int Set @ClassSql =rtrim(ltrim(@ClassSql )) Set @i=charindex(@StrSeprate,@ClassSql ) While @i>=1 Begin Insert @temp values(left(@ClassSql ,@i-1)) Set @ClassSql =substring(@ClassSql ,@i+1,len(@ClassSql )-@i) Set @i=charindex(@StrSeprate,@ClassSql ) End If @ClassSql <>'' Insert @temp values(@ClassSql ) Return End
/* 拆分字符串 * */ --拆分单列+序号 --方法一:利用数字辅助表 if object_id('fn_SplitTSQL')is not null drop function fn_SplitTSQL GO create FUNCTION dbo.fn_SplitTSQL (@s NVARCHAR(MAX), @split NCHAR(1)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT n - LEN(REPLACE(LEFT(array, n), @split, '')) + 1 AS rn, SUBSTRING(array, n, CHARINDEX(@split, array + @split, n) - n) AS col FROM (SELECT @s AS array) AS D JOIN dbo.Nums ON n <= LEN(array) AND SUBSTRING(@split + array, n, 1) = @split; GO --方法二:直接拆分 if object_id('f_split')is not null drop function f_split go create function f_split ( @s varchar(8000), --待分拆的字符串 @split varchar(10) --数据分隔符 )returns table as return ( select Row_number()over(order by Number) rn , substring(@s,number,charindex(@split,@s+@split,number)-number)as col from master..spt_values where type='p' and number<=len(@s+'a') and charindex(@split,@split+@s,number)=number ) go select * from dbo.f_split('11,2,3',',') select * from dbo.fn_SplitTSQL('11,2,3',',') GO --拆分多列 if object_id('fn_MutiSplitTSQL')is not null drop function fn_MutiSplitTSQL GO create FUNCTION dbo.fn_MutiSplitTSQL (@s NVARCHAR(MAX), @split NCHAR(1) ,@Sub@split NCHAR(1)= N',') RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN select * from (SELECT d.rn ,'col'+ cast( n - LEN(REPLACE(LEFT(col, n), @Sub@split, '')) + 1 as varchar(10)) AS attribute, SUBSTRING(col, n, CHARINDEX(@Sub@split, col + @Sub@split, n) - n) AS value FROM ( SELECT n - LEN(REPLACE(LEFT(array, n), @split, '')) + 1 AS rn, SUBSTRING(array, n, CHARINDEX(@split, array + @split, n) - n) AS col FROM (SELECT @s AS array) AS D JOIN dbo.Nums a ON n <= LEN(array) AND SUBSTRING(@split + array, n, 1) = @split ) AS D JOIN dbo.Nums a ON n <= LEN(col) AND SUBSTRING(@Sub@split + col, n, 1) = @Sub@split ) as d PIVOT(max(value) FOR attribute IN(col1,col2 ,col3,col4,col5 )) AS P GO select col1,col2,col3,col4 from dbo.fn_MutiSplitTSQL ('$092-1350,099201-080901,12050720,2012-6-11$092-0970,099204-072301,12050734,2012-6-11$','$',',') GO