日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20604 次
IF OBJECT_ID('test99')iS NOT NULL DROP TABLE test99 go create table test99 (id int , "Jan-2012" money, "Feb-2012" money, "Mar-2012" money, "Apr-2012" money, "May-2012" money) select * from test99 insert into test99 select 001,12345,978,4121,49789,979 union all select 002,12345,978,4121,49789,979 union all select 003,12345,978,4121,49789,979 union all select 001,12345,978,4121,49789,979 union all select 002,12345,978,4121,49789,979 union all select 003,12345,978,4121,49789,979
create proc customer1 (@Id int ,@beginyear int ,@beginmonth int ,@endyear int ,@endmonth int) as select ? from test99 where ID=@Id and .........
exec customer1 1,2012,2,2012,4
--怎么可能 当你执行 exec customer 1,2012,2,2012,4 --会出现ID>1的结果
CREATE proc customer1 (@Id varchar(10) ,@beginyear varchar(10) ,@beginmonth int ,@endyear varchar(10) ,@endmonth int) as declare @sql varchar(max),@execsql varchar(max) set @sql = 'id' ;with mon as (select 'Jan' En, 1 Num union select 'Feb', 2 union select 'Mar', 3 union select 'Apr', 4 union select 'May', 5 union select 'Jun', 6 union select 'Jul', 7 union select 'Aug', 8 union select 'Sep', 9 union select 'Oct', 10 union select 'Nov', 11 union select 'Dec', 12 ) select @sql = isnull(@sql,'') + ',['+ a.name + ']' from sys.syscolumns a, mon b where a.id = object_id('test99') and left(a.name,3) = b.En and b.Num between @beginmonth and @endmonth and right(a.name,4) between @beginyear and @endyear set @execsql = ' select '+@sql+' from test99 where ID = '+@Id --print @execsql exec(@execsql) GO exec customer1 1,2012,2,2012,4 /*id Feb-2012 Mar-2012 Apr-2012 ----------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 1 978.00 4121.00 49789.00 1 978.00 4121.00 49789.00 (2 行受影响) */
SUBSTRING(NAME,0, CHARINDEX('-',name ,0))='jan' THEN '1'
WHEN SUBSTRING(NAME,0, CHARINDEX('-',name ,0))='feb' THEN '2'
WHEN SUBSTRING(NAME,0, CHARINDEX('-',name ,0))='mar' THEN '3'
WHEN SUBSTRING(NAME,0, CHARINDEX('-',name ,0))='apr' THEN '4'
WHEN SUBSTRING(NAME,0, CHARINDEX('-',name ,0))='may' THEN '5' 这样稳当一点你也不能保证他的数据一定是3位