日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20707 次
select name, max(case kemu when '语文' then score end) as '语文', max(case kemu when '数学' then score end) as '数学', max(case kemu when '英语' then score end) as '英语' from score group by name
create table #score ( name nvarchar(10), kemu nvarchar(10), score int ) insert into #score select N'小张', N'语文', 95 union all select N'小张', N'数学', 95 union all select N'小李', N'数学', 90 union all select N'小李', N'英语', 90 union all select N'小明', N'语文', 85 union all select N'小明', N'数学', 85 union all select N'小明', N'英语', 85 --1,子查询法 select name, (select MAX(score)from #score where name=s.name and kemu='语文') as 语文, (select MAX(score)from #score where name=s.name and kemu='数学') as 数学, (select MAX(score)from #score where name=s.name and kemu='英语') as 英语 from #score s group by name --2,聚合函数+case select name, max(case kemu when '语文' then score end) as '语文', max(case kemu when '数学' then score end) as '数学', max(case kemu when '英语' then score end) as '英语' from #score group by name --3,透视列法 select name,语文,数学,英语 from (select * from #score) as tt pivot ( max(score) for kemu in(语文,数学,英语) ) as pt