日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20761 次
select * from 销售订单表 a where not exists(select * from 价格表 where 物料ID = a.物料ID and 客户ID = a.客户ID and 销售单价 = a.物料单价 )
select * from 销售订单表 x left outer join 价格表 j on x.物料ID = j.物料ID where j.物料id is null or j.销售单价<>x.物料单价
SELECT * FROM 销售订单表 a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM 价格表 b WHERE b.物料id = a.物料id AND b.客户id = a.客户id AND b.销售单价 = a.物料单价)
if object_id('[价格表]') is not null drop table [价格表] go create table [价格表]([物料ID] varchar(1),[客户ID] int,[销售单价] numeric(3,1)) insert [价格表] select 'A',10001,1.2 union all select 'A',10001,1.4 union all select 'A',10001,1.5 union all select 'B',20001,20 union all select 'B',20001,22 union all select 'B',20001,25 go if object_id('[销售订单表]') is not null drop table [销售订单表] go create table [销售订单表]([订单号] varchar(5),[客户ID] int,[物料ID] varchar(1),[物料数量] int,[物料单价] numeric(3,1)) insert [销售订单表] select 'S0001',10001,'A',2000,1.2 union all select 'S0001',10001,'A',1000,1.8 union all select 'S0001',20001,'B',1000,22 union all select 'S0001',20001,'B',3000,25 union all select 'S0001',20001,'C',2000,25 --为测试增加的记录 go -->查询: select * from 销售订单表 t where not exists(select 1 from 价格表 where 物料ID=t.物料ID and 销售单价=t.物料单价) /** 订单号 客户ID 物料ID 物料数量 物料单价 ----- ----------- ---- ----------- --------------------------------------- S0001 10001 A 1000 1.8 S0001 20001 C 2000 25.0 (2 行受影响) **/