日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20487 次

sql 使用union出現問題
SQL code
select a,b,c into #tb from table union select a,b,c into #tb2 from table2


錯誤提示:SELECT INTO must be the first query in a statement containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.

SQL code

select a,b,c into #tb from table 
select a,b,c into #tb2 from table2

select * from #tb
select * from #tb2

select a,b,c into #tb from table 是创建表并且插入数据,并不是查询结果

而union 是取那个结果集的并集 ,所以不能这样写
SQL code

select a,b,c into #tb from table 
select a,b,c into #tb2 from table2

select * from #tb
union all --不过滤重复数据了
select * from #tb2

不能带着into 进行 union。