日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20584 次
select taritem.*,t1.tp_startdate,t1.tp_price from taritem, (select row_number() over(partition by tr_rowid order by tp_startdate desc) rn, tr_rowid,tp_startdate,tp_price from tr_price) t1 where taritem.tr_rowid=t1.tr_rowid and t1.rn=1;
create table taritem (tr_rowid int, tr_item_code varchar(10), tr_item_desc varchar(15)) insert into taritem select 1000, 'xy100323', '阿莫西林' union all select 1001, 'xy200365', '葡糖糖' create table tr_price (tp_rowid varchar(10), tr_rowid int, tp_startdate date, tp_price decimal(5,1)) insert into tr_price select '1000||1', 1000, '2001-09-08', 10 union all select '1000||2', 1000, '2002-01-05', 11.5 union all select '1001||1', 1001, '2003-05-08', 50 union all select '1001||2', 1001, '2005-01-05', 50.5 union all select '1001||3', 1001, '2008-04-25', 52 select a.tr_rowid, a.tr_item_code, a.tr_item_desc, b.tp_startdate,b.tp_price from taritem a left join (select c.tr_rowid,max(c.tp_startdate) 'tp_startdate', (select tp_price from tr_price d where d.tr_rowid=c.tr_rowid and d.tp_startdate=max(c.tp_startdate)) 'tp_price' from tr_price c group by c.tr_rowid) b on a.tr_rowid=b.tr_rowid /* tr_rowid tr_item_code tr_item_desc tp_startdate tp_price ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ 1000 xy100323 阿莫西林 2002-01-05 11.5 1001 xy200365 葡糖糖 2008-04-25 52.0 (2 row(s) affected) */
select a.tr_rowid,a.tr_item_code,a.tr_item_desc,tp_startdate,tp_price from (select a.tr_rowid,a.tr_item_code,a.tr_item_desc,tp_startdate,tp_price, ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by a.tr_rowid,a.tr_item_code,a.tr_item_desc order by tp_startdate desc) as n from taritem a inner join tr_price b on b.tr_rowid=a.tr_rowid) p where n=1
select tr_rowid,tr_item_code,tr_item_desc,tp_startdate,tp_price from (select a.tr_rowid,a.tr_item_code,a.tr_item_desc,tp_startdate,tp_price, ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by a.tr_rowid,a.tr_item_code,a.tr_item_desc order by tp_startdate desc) as n from taritem a inner join tr_price b on b.tr_rowid=a.tr_rowid) p where n=1 tr_rowid tr_item_code tr_item_desc tp_startdate tp_price ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ --------------------------------------- 1000 xy100323 阿莫西林 2002-01-05 11.5 1001 xy200365 葡糖糖 2008-04-25 52.0