日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20696 次
type , encapsulation, sale_date, brand, quantity --我想要的就是如果type相同的,把数量加起来,显示其中一条 --这样子报错: select distinct(type)as type ,min(encapsulation),min(sale_date),min(brand),quantity=sum(quantity) from long_goods group by type --这样子数据显示又不对: select distinct(type)as type ,min(encapsulation),min(sale_date),min(brand),quantity=sum(quantity) from long_goods group by type 请各位指点一下
select * from (select type,sum(quantity) quantity from long_goods group by type)aa inner join (select * from long_goods a where not exists(select 1 from long_goods where type=a.type and sale_date<a.sale_date))bb on aa.type=bb.type
SELECT IDENTITY(int,1,1) as Row, type , encapsulation, sale_date, brand, quantity INTO #tmp FROM long_goods SELECT encapsulation, sale_date, brand, TotalQ=( SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM #tmp WHERE type=a.type ) FROM #t a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM #tmp WHERE type=a.type AND Row<a.Row ) DROP TABLE #tmp
;with cte as (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by [type]) as px from long_goods ) select [type],encapsulation,brand,sale_date, quantity=(select sum(quantity) from cte where [type]=a.[type]) from cte a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT nt