日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20455 次
--测试1 declare @PageCount int, @TopicId int, @Num int BEGIN select distinct top 6 t.topicid, t.title, isnull(t.pic,'../images/pic003.jpg') as pic from dbo.T_Novel_Topic t, dbo.T_Books_Order o where o.OrderType=2 and o.UserId in (select UserId from dbo.T_Books_Order where BooksId=1) and o.BooksId <> 1 and -- o.BooksId not in (select Top (6*0) BooksId from dbo.T_Books_Order where UserId in(select UserId from dbo.T_Books_Order where BooksId=1)) and o.BooksId=t.topicid and o.Status=1 END --测试2 select Top (6*1) BooksId from dbo.T_Books_Order where UserId in(select UserId from dbo.T_Books_Order where BooksId=1) --测试3 select Top (6*2) BooksId from dbo.T_Books_Order where UserId in(select UserId from dbo.T_Books_Order where BooksId=1)