日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20513 次
insert C select * from A,B where A.g=1 and (a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d)
delete from B where not exists (select * from A where A.g=1 and (a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d))
insert into C (Col1,Col2) select a.Col1,b.Col2 from A,B where A.g=1 and (a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d) --列名和列的顺序不一致时,需要指定
insert into C select A.* from A left join B on a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d where A.g=1 and (B.s is null or B.d is null) delete from A where A.g=1 and not exsits (select * from B where (a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d))
delete from b where not exists (select * from A where A.g=1 and (a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d))
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insert into C select A.* from A left join B on a.s<>B.s or a.d<>B.d where A.g=1 and (B.s is null or B.d is null) delete from A where A.g=1 and not exsits (select * from B where (a.s<>B.s or a.d<>B.d))
insert C select * from A where not exists( select 1 from B where a.s=B.s or a.d=B.d)and a.g=1